We came together to help you.

Names based alphabetically

Saeed Bagher daryaii (MBA, Multimedia University Malaysia)

Specialty: PMP (Project Management Professional) by Project Management Institute of USA, Project Planner and Controller, Preparing and Assessing Feasibility Studies, Preparing and Assessing Project Delays Analysis.

Azadeh Chizari Fard (PhD, Stockholm University)

Speciality: Biostatistics and Mathematical Statistics

Alireza Lotfabadi (PhD)

Speciality: Pharmaceutical Biomaterials, Nano-Biosensor Design, Wound Healing and Study of the Interaction of Nanostructures with Biomolecules.

Mohammad Amin Nozari (PhD)

Speciality: Civil-Geotechnical, Application of New Additives and Methods in Soil Remediation, Electrokinetics, Unsaturated Soil Mechanics.

Ali Berenjian (MSc)

Speciality: Fibers, Textile Chemistry, Raw Materials for Medical and Textile and Polymer Labs, Media, Various Membrane Filters, Food and Textile and Polymer Industry Quality Control.

Elham Chizari Fard (PhD Student)

Speciality: Programming in libraries and Archives, Information Organization and Design.

Roghayeh Mansoori (MSc)

Speciality: Medical nanotechnology, nanoparticle and hydrogels synthesis, cell culture studies.

Mohammad Shabani (PhD, Akron University, USA)

Speciality: Clinical Biochemistry, Wound Healing and Drug Delivery Using Nanostructures.

S. Ahmad Dehdast (MSc)

Speciality: Pharmaceutical Biomaterials, Nano-Biosensor Design, Wound Healing and Study of the Interaction of Nanostructures with Biomolecules.

Ghazaleh Chizari Fard (PhD)

Speciality: Nanofibers, Nano-Absorbents Design and Nano-Filter Design for Water Treatment and Industrial Effluents, Nanofibers for Wound Healing, Nanoparticle Synthesis, Nanocomposite, and Quantum Dot.

Samaneh Mousavi (MSc)

Speciality: Graphic Design of Business Card, Banner, Stand, Logo, and Office Set.

Afshin Zafari (PhD, Uppsala University, Sweden)

Speciality: Computer, Scientific Computing.